Vending machine sell condoms safe to use?
Vending machine is a best sell channel for condom market, they always located at street or washroom, it’s easy for consumers to buy at random. Most of the condoms are quality approved, but it still depends on each brand’s quality control elvel. If you once buy condom from vending machine? Frankly most of them are quality assured, but anyone can give 100% promise. It depends. Vending machine condoms may be safe to use, So if you plan buy from the vending machine, please consider following items:
1: you are getting a latex or polyurethane condom. it is labeled for disease prevention. Make sure choose the non latex condom if you are allergic to latex.
2: the condoms do not contain nonoxynol 9 (N9) spermicide.
3: the machine is not exposed to extreme temperature and direct sunlight.
4: the date on the condom is not expired.
5: So read the EXP date and check the package before use it, and checking the condom when open the foil wrapper to see the color and smell before use, which can prove most of them are all right.
If you are interest to make own brand Condom producing, welcome contact us by email: [email protected] or [email protected]