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Condom Use

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Condom Use

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custom condom wrapper, condom manufacturers, custom foil wrapper condom

Can condom wrapper break while packed in wallet?

As a condom manufacturer, we specialize in custom brand condom wrapper. Carry a condom in your wallet can break or tear the wrapper. But even if the wrapper looks fine, the condom inside might not be good. Condoms can get pretty worn out if they’re carried around in a wallet. That means they can break more easily. Another problem with …

standard condom, condom use, condom size, small condom, large condom manufacturer

Do you use condoms with the correct size?

The standard condom fits most people, but there are cases when it does not fit well either because your erection is either too small or too big. This is a reality with which many men live. That the condom does not fit perfectly to your penis can result in it slipping or breaking, taking the joke off of the protection …

male condom and female condoms

Condom use more and more by India unmarried women

In India, 3 out of 8 men believe contraception was” women’s business”, and not their’s. A large number of unmarried, sexually active women are now opting for safe sex. They choose use of the condom which is best way in prevent unwanted pregnancy and prevent sexually transmitted diseases if use correctly. Condom is one of the modern contraceptive method, as …

condom use

Tanzania government has launched a National Conduct Strategy, reducing infections

November 27, 2017 the government has launched a National Condoms Strategy, while it is stated that 50% of all people in the country use condoms. Speaking at the launch, Deputy Minister of Veterinary Affairs and Fisheries Abdallah Ulega, said the strategy was prepared to describe the priorities needed to reduce the spread of HIV, STIs and unwanted pregnancies. It has also been described as the strategy, intending to increase condom use for women and men from 34% for women and 40.5% for men in 2012 to 55% for all by 2018. “The condom use statistics in Tanzania are 50%, the consumption is low, so that condoms are used correctly and often have the ability to reduce HIV transmission.” Minister Abdallah Ulega As a condom factory, we’re glad to see the support from the government for promoting condom use. We hope more and more people can use the condom for safe sex

condom advantage

What’s the advantage of using condom?

Condoms are effective against STDs. Condoms are the only methods of birth control that also help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Condoms can be sexy, condoms come in a lot different styles,shapes, and textures that increase sensation for both partners, it offer both protection and pleasure. Condoms cost less and are convenient. Condoms help other methods …

condom types,condom use,ancient condom

What types of condoms were used during 18th century?

There are ancient times for condoms. They are made from animal bladders or intestines. These material are not stretchy like modern latex, so it has the risk of slipping away. That’s where the red ribbon comes to play. It designed to create a tight loop around the base of the penis. The red ribbon will holds the condom in place …

contraceptive methods,condom medical device,long term contraception

Long-term contraceptive methods

There are several medium-and long-term contraceptive methods such as (Intrauterine device), hormonal implant, Siu (hormonal system), hormonal injections, birth control pills, and others. Each method of contraception has its own characteristics, advantages, benefits and Contra-Indications. It is therefore important that you come with a specialist so that with help you select the method of contraception that suits your body, lifestyle …

female condom, women condom, female condom supplier, female condom manufacturer

What shall you do if a female condom breaks

Female condoms can’t be easy to break, especially if used correctly. However, if female condom is really break, or leak when removed from the vagina, or if the outer ring moves up inside the vagina – or if something goes wrong like the penis slipping between the condom and the vagina during sex – then there are a few tips …

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There are many benefits of types of condom

Why you should use a condom during sensual activity with your partner? The most important thing is wearing the type of contraceptive; especially for males, can save you from life threatening diseases. If you are sexually active or having casual sensual activity then wearing condoms won’t hurt. Using condoms are also ideal for family planning which is an effective birth …

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Check the expiration date and store condom properly.

The best condom is one which is not out of it’s expiration date and that has been stored in good conditions. Luckily, condom manufacturers print the expiration date right on the box and then also on the individual condom packets, so that’s really easy to check. Also make sure that you’re storing and carrying your condoms in places that are …

  • What We Do?

    As a professional condom and lubricating gel factory approved by ISO/CE, custom produce clients own label condom is our main work. so welcome inquiry us if you need own brand condom or lubricating gel.

  • Why choose us?

    1: We focus on condom business.
    2: Quick response service.
    3: One stop condom shopping service.
    4: Quality condom on reasonable price.

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    Whatsapp: 0086-133-7124-6800
    Tel: 0086-133-7124-6800

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    As a professional condom factory, we can help you on the condom project.