The Shelf life of a male latex condom varies considerably depending on storage conditions, temperature, humidity, moisture, and even ultraviolet light. Each of these factors can considerably reduce condoms’ typical shelf life of three to five years. As a general rule, male latex condoms should be kept away from extreme temperatures (above 40°C or 104°F) and away from moisture and …
We are a pioneer in the condom manufacturing industry and distribution in China, has been in this line more than 20 years. We owned 2 producing line, our capacity is half billion pcs per year. Our condom has sold in more than 150 countries and places. The condom we supplied are highly regarded for durability and reliability in the world wide …
America is once the condom manufacturing base, LMR International, Inc. is a producer of latex condoms and disposable personal wipes. They also offer hand sanitizers, hand cleaners, nursing pads and razors. The company was founded in 2000, has revenues of USD 10-25 Million, has ~120 employees and is ISO 9001, ISO 9002 certified. if you plan build own brand and …
Welcome to be our MANGO condom wholesaler. In one packing of 3pcs, 12pcs and 144 condoms. The minimum order – 1carton. The MANGO condoms of the Best Seller Products ― it is classical smooth condoms with silicone greasing and the store. The high-quality MANGO condoms are a little thinner than classical, and, therefore, stronger and reliable though same sensitive and almost …
Spermicide condom is add spermicide nonoxynol-9, a chemical substance which can immobilize and destroy sperm. It is found in multiple forms, Such as jellies, foams, creams, film, or suppositories. We can produce the condom with this special substance. The ingredient is 70% to 80% effective on it’s own, but when combined with condoms,it can stat jumps to 97%. That’s actually …
Our Female Condom is distinguished from a male condom in that it is retained in the vagina after insertion. The external component of the device provides some coverage to the external female genitalia. Our Female Condoms, made from Natural Latex Rubber, can be effective for contraceptive purposes and in the prevention of STI transmission. Completely line the vaginal canal. Are …
A Japanese condom manufacturing company Sagami Rubber Industries, is ramping up production of the condom just in time for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. The country’s “pleasure industry” is expecting a surge of interest from travelers to the games, and is planning to distribute hundreds of thousands of prophylactics to visiting fans and athletes. Condoms is the best products for protecting them …
As a professional condom manufacturer, custom clients private label condom is our main business. We develop gradually with our clients together. Focus on condom quality and new condoms innovation. Such as our spike condom, which is popular and preferred by more and more people. If you don’t wish to have your own brand condom, welcome distribute our home brand: Mango. Mango …
The super safe condoms combines a latex condom and spermicidal lubricant, which active ingredient is the N9. The spermicide nonoxynol-9, immobilize or reduces or kill the number of active sperm. Thereby decreasing the risk of pregnancy if you lose your erection before withdrawal and some semen spill outside the condom. Super Safe condoms effectiveness in decreasing pregnancy risk can be …
Professional at condom production, make us a better choice to be your condom supplier. Now your fully custom foiled condoms can be produced with multiple FULL color centered “Indexed” images along with your choice of condom types! Quantities per production from 10,000 condoms to 1 million based on your needs and desired delivery schedule. welcome contact us, you will benefit …